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Why does a cat poop in the wrong place


Updated: Sep 19, 2024

We often attribute the blame to our cats when they don't use the litter box and instead relieve themselves in the wrong place. Several factors can contribute to this behavior, but let's first discuss how to guide your cat to the litter box.

To acquaint your cat with the litter box's location, consider confining the cat to the room where the litter box is placed. For instance, if you've positioned the litter box in the bathroom, confine the cat there for a couple of hours. If the room is spacious, simply guide the cat to the litter box. Avoid forcing the cat to stay inside; it will likely exit promptly, but it will remember the location of the litter box. Repeat this process multiple times throughout the day.

Now, let's explore why a cat may avoid the litter box:

  1. Litter Preference: Cats can be as selective about their litter as they are about their food. Some cats may not like the litter's texture or scent. When adopting a kitten, try to use the same type of litter and litter box they are accustomed to. If you want to switch to a different litter, provide both the old and new options initially and gradually transition once the cat is comfortable.

  2. Cleanliness: Cats, especially more fastidious breeds, prefer a clean litter box. If you have a large litter box, ensure it's cleaned at least daily. Ensure there's a sufficient amount of litter for the cat to bury their waste effectively. If the cat can't dig due to inadequate litter or a dirty box, they may eliminate outside the box.

  3. Accessibility: Placing the litter box in a location with restricted access, like a closed bathroom door, can prevent the cat from reaching it. Consider having multiple litter boxes in different areas of the house, especially in multi-pet households.

  4. Other Pets: In homes with multiple animals, a cat may be reluctant to access the litter box if they feel threatened or intimidated by other pets. Again, having multiple litter boxes in different locations can help alleviate this issue.

  5. Kittens: Young kittens may prefer to be close to their primary living area, and if the litter box is too far away, accidents can happen. Consider placing a temporary litter box closer to their usual spot, but also feed them near the main litter box to reinforce its location.

  6. Odor Residuals: If the cat has previously soiled a specific area, they might be attracted back to that spot due to residual odors. Clean the area thoroughly and use a urine odor neutralizer to remove any lingering scents. You can also use motion-activated devices that spray water to deter the cat from returning to the same spot.

In your efforts to resolve this issue, remember that cats do not act out of revenge or malice; their actions are driven by their comfort and instincts. It may take time and patience to correct litter box problems, but with the right approach, most cats can be trained to use the litter box appropriately. Good luck in your efforts to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for your feline friend.

The litter boxes:



Recommended litter. Our cattery is using that.


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