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A Kitten sale status


Updated: Aug 21, 2024

Available: A kitten that is open for reservation by potential buyers. Interested parties can inquire about and reserve the kitten while it remains in this status.

Sold: The kitten has been purchased and is no longer available for reservation or purchase by others. It has found a new home.

Reserved: The kitten has been set aside for a specific buyer who has committed to purchasing it. This status indicates that the kitten is no longer available for other potential buyers.

Cattery Reserved: The kitten has been retained by the cattery for future breeding purposes. This decision ensures the continuation of desirable traits and characteristics within the cattery's breeding program.

Verbal Reserved: The kitten has been verbally reserved without a deposit. In this status, the reservation is temporary and lasts for a maximum of two days. After this period, the reservation must be confirmed with a deposit to move to the reserved status, or the kitten will become available again for other potential buyers.

Cattery Observation: This status is applied when the kitten is temporarily taken off the market. The cattery may be considering keeping the kitten for breeding purposes.

Withdrawn from Sale: The kitten has been removed from the available list for reasons such as exchange, gifting, or any other circumstance where it is not sold. This status indicates that the kitten is no longer on the market and will not be available for reservation or purchase.

These statuses help manage the availability and reservation process of kittens within the cattery, ensuring clear communication with potential buyers and proper management of the kittens' futures.


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